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    Partnership Deed

    A partnership deed is a formal written contract between two people outlining their intention to conduct business together and split profits and losses. Another name for it is a partnership agreement. The terms of a partnership are up to the parties. This agreement spells out details such as the nature of the business, the obligations and rights of the partners, their liabilities, and the distribution of profits and losses. A Partnership Deed includes the following clauses:

    • Name of the partners
    • Date, place of initiation of partnership
    • Capital Contribution of the partners
    • Profit sharing percentages between partners
    • Details and compensation of working partners
    • Restricted Activities
    • Procedure for Maintenance of Books of Accounts
    • Access authority of Partners to Books of account
    • Directions to Bank Account and its operation
    • Procedure for retirement of partners and admission of new partners
    • Right over the share of a Partner
    • Details of how Alternation of Partnership Deed is to be done
    • Prohibition of certain activities
    • Governing Laws and Dispute resolution
    • Witness Details

    What we provide

    At Ajatya, we help you draft a legally valid and an ironclad Business contract or Business agreement at a click; you can eStamp and eSign the document and get it delivered to your doorstep without any hassle.